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Warn Thresholds

Warn Thresholds allow Auxdibot to issue a punishment after a user recieves a specified amount of warns. Administrators or users with permission can set up a warn threshold with /moderation warns threshold (punishment) (warns). Set warns to 0 to disable warn thresholds.

/moderation warns threshold (punishment) (warns)Set the punishment to give for receiving warns on your server. (set warns to 0 to disable)

Blacklisted Phrases

Auxdibot's Phrase Blacklist allows moderators to add a filter to their server, issuing a punishment to members who send a blacklisted phrase. Blacklisted phrases can be added with the /moderation blacklist add (phrase) command and can be removed using the /moderation blacklist remove (phrase|index)

Administrators can set the punishment that is issued to members who send a message containing a blacklisted phrase by running the /moderation blacklist punishment (punishment) command.

/moderation blacklist add (phrase)Add a blacklisted phrase to this server.
/moderation blacklist punishment (punishment)Set the punishment given when a blacklisted phrase is used.
/moderation blacklist listSee a list of every blacklisted phrase on this server.
/moderation blacklist remove (phrase|index)Remove a blacklisted phrase from the server.

Spam Limits

Administrators can set the limit for the amount of messages/attachments/invites that can be sent in a duration of time. Administrators can set the attachments/messages/invites limit for your server by running the commands /moderation (spam|attachments|invites) set (messages|invites|attachments) (duration) where messages/invites/attachments is the max amount of messages/invites/attachments a member of your server can send in duration (using timestamps, ex. 1m = 1 minute, 1h = 1 hour, 30s = 30 seconds).

Administrators can set the punishment that is issued, along with the reason for issuing the punishment, when a limit is broken by running the commands /moderation (spam|attachments|invites) punishment (punishment) [reason].

/moderation spam set (messages) (duration)Set the spam limit for this server.
/moderation spam punishment (punishment) [reason]Set the punishment for spam on this server.
/moderation invites set (invites) (duration)Set the invites spam limit for this server.
/moderation invites punishment (punishment) [reason]Set the punishment for invites spam on this server.
/moderation attachments set (attachments) (duration)Set the attachments spam limit for this server.
/moderation attachments punishment (punishment) [reason]Set the punishment for attachments spam on this server.

AutoMod Exceptions

Administrators can make a role exempt from punishments issued by AutoMod by adding the role to the list of role exceptions. Administrators can add a role to the list of role exceptions by running the command /moderation exceptions add (role). Once a role is added to the role exceptions for your server, it can be removed by running the command /moderation exceptions remove (role|index)

/moderation exceptions add (role)Add a role exception to automod. The role added will not be affected by limits or blackisted phrases.
/moderation exceptions remove (role|index)Remove an AutoMod role exception. If you've deleted the role, use the index parameter, which is the placement of the item on /moderation exceptions list.
/moderation exceptions listList the roles that are excempt from AutoMod punishments and limits.