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Greetings allow Auxdibot to broadcast messages announcing members joining and leaving your server.

Administrators or members with permission can set where join/leave messages are broadcast by running the command /greetings channel [channel]. When a greetings channel is not set, no Join/Leave messages are sent.

Greeting Types


Join DM messages will only be privately messaged to a user if their Discord privacy settings allow it.

Greeting messages are sent under different greeting types, which can be individually customized.

JoinBroadcast to the greetings channel when a member joins your server.
LeaveBroadcast to the greetings channel when a member leaves your server.
Join DMSent privately to a member when they join your server.

Customizing Greetings


You can create a Stored Embed by running the commands /embeds builder (id), /embeds storage command (id) [...embed parameters], /embeds storage json (id) (json) [webhook_url].

To view more information about Embeds, check out the Embeds section of the documentation.

You can modify the Join/Leave/Join DM messages at any time by running the /greetings (join|leave|join_dm) message (id) commands. Additionally, you can preview the Join/Leave/Join DM messages by running the commands /greetings (join|leave|join_dm) preview.

Greetings Commands

/greetings channel [channel]Set the greetings channel for this server, where join and leave messages are broadcast.
/greetings join message (id)Set the join message. (See /embeds storage list for stored embeds.)
/greetings join previewPreview the join message.
/greetings leave message (id)Set the leave message. (See /embeds storage list for stored embeds.)
/greetings leave previewPreview the leave message.
/greetings join_dm message (id)Set the join DM message. (See /embeds storage list for stored embeds.)
/greetings join_dm previewPreview the join DM message.