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Auxdibot features a robust Suggestions system, allowing administrators to gather feedback from their users.

Suggestions Settings

Suggestions Channel

Administrators or members with permission can set the channel where suggestions are output to by running the command /suggestions channel [channel]. When a user creates a suggestion using the /suggest (suggestion) or /suggestions create (suggestion) commands, their suggestion will be output to the suggestions channel for your members to vote on.

Suggestions Updates

When a suggestion is updated (approved/denied/considered/added), if an update channel is specified using the command /suggestions updates_channel [channel], Auxdibot will send a message to that channel showcasing the current state of the suggestion.

Suggestions Reactions

By default, suggestions created will have three reactions: 🔼, 🟦, 🔽.

Administrators can add up to 5 suggestions reactions by running the command /suggestions add_reaction (reaction). Suggestions Reactions will be added automatically by Auxdibot to newly created suggestions.

A reaction can be removed at any time by running the command /suggestions remove_reaction (reaction|index).

Discussion Threads


If you do not give members of your server the "Send Messages in Threads" permission for the suggestions channel, Discussion Threads cannot be used.

Auxdibot suggestions by default will create a discussion thread for every discussion submitted.

Administrators or members with permission can disable Discussion Threads by running the command /suggestions discussion_threads (create_thread).

Responding & Moderating Suggestions

Updating a Suggestion

Administrators or members with permission can respond to a suggestion, marking it as approved/denied/considered/added by running the command /suggestions respond (id) (response) [reason]. When a suggestion is updated, Auxdibot will send a message to your channel showcasing the current state of the suggestion, and the suggestion will be deleted (can be changed with /suggestions auto_delete (auto_delete)).

Suggestions Bans

Users can be banned from creating suggestions. Administrators or member with permissions can ban an abusive user by running the command /suggestions ban (user). Users banned from suggestions can be unbanned when an administrator or member with permission unbans them with the command /suggestions unban (user).

Suggestions Commands

/suggest (suggestion)Create a suggestion.
/suggestions create (suggestion)Create a suggestion.
/suggestions channel [channel]Change the channel where suggestions are posted.
/suggestions updates_channel [channel]Change the channel where updates to suggestions are posted.
/suggestions reactionsList the reactions for suggestions.
/suggestions add_reaction (reaction)Add a reaction to the reactions on suggestions.
/suggestions remove_reaction (reaction|index)Remove a reaction from the reactions on suggestions.
/suggestions auto_delete (delete)Set whether suggestions are deleted upon being approved, denied, or marked as added.
/suggestions discussion_threads (create_thread)Set whether a discussion thread is created when a suggestion is created.
/suggestions ban (user)Ban a user from using suggestions.
/suggestions unban (user)Unban a user, allowing them to use suggestions.
/suggestions respond (id) (response) [reason]Respond to a suggestion submitted by a user.